Mother, You’re a Blessing! By Bob Gass
‘Her children … call her blessed; her husband … praises her.’
Proverbs 31:28 NKJV
When it comes to motherhood, this sign on a church bulletin board says it all: If evolution is true, how come mothers still only have two hands? Seriously, Mum, today we stop to salute you and let you know how much we appreciate you. Some days you probably wonder if what you’re doing even matters. Your work is never done … you’re always exhausted … and there’s no big financial reward. We live in an age that seems to diminish service and exalt glitz…sometimes it’s hard to value your investment. But hear this: God says you’re highly esteemed by Him, and that children are some of His most precious gifts (see Psalm 127:3). Eugene Peterson paraphrases Solomon’s words in The Message by describing a mother as someone who ‘senses the worth of her work … [is] diligent in homemaking … faces tomorrow with a smile … has something worthwhile to say, and … always says it kindly … Her children respect and bless her; her husband joins in with words of praise’ (Proverbs 31:18-19 MSG). Then Peterson finishes the chapter with these words: ‘Many women have done wonderful things, but you’ve outclassed them all!’. So Mum, while your role isn’t defined by a pay cheque or a promotion, you’re vitally important to your family and your children’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Nobody can take your place! Samuel was one of Israel’s greatest prophets, but who was the driving force in his life? His mother, Hannah! When Samuel was born she said, ‘I am giving him to the Lord for as long as he lives’ (1 Samuel 1:28 TLB). Mother, you matter more than you know. Bible in a Year: Luke 4:31-44; Ps 26-28;